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The Triumphant Return of the Service Auction!
February 4, 2024

Quick Links

To bid or inquire about these unsold items, please contact

What’s It All About? 

  • It’s our big fundraiser of the year! Funds raised go to support all church programs, from Music to Coffee Hour to Community Outreach.  

  • Our auction is for everyone: Long-time members, newer friends, visitors and guests!

  • Even if you’ve never participated in an auction before, we’ve made it very user-friendly and easy instructions are provided. 

Here’s How it Works

  1. Members and friends donate services or items to the auction. Some examples would be a home-made dinner, baked goods, yard work, or an outing of some kind. YOU can donate until January 23 with the online form on this page!

  2. Donations are compiled into a booklet which will be available starting January 28. You can “shop” for the items that catch your eye, and decide how much you’ll spend on them. Our auction bids range from a few dollars to a hundred or more. There’s something for everyone!

  3. On Auction Sunday, February 4, we’ll have the worship service and then go to the Clara Barton lounge and enjoy a low-cost lunch. You’ll sign in to the auction and receive a bidder number. When we get to the items you want, hold up your number to make a bid!  

  4. You’ll receive a statement of the items you bid on successfully, and you can pay the day of the auction or in the weeks that follow. Checks can be made payable to the First Universalist Church, or you can pay online using the QR code we’ll have on hand that day!

  5. If you cannot attend the auction on February 4, fill out the Proxy Form which will be available in the booklet AND online. Our proxy team will bid on your behalf! 


  • Raffle baskets and door prizes, no purchase necessary!

  • You can be “present” at the Auction, and see all of the shenanigans, online in real time, because of our OWL camera!!

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