Dear Friends at First Universalist,
As we think about the theme of this year’s stewardship campaign, Love Calls Us On, we are reminded of all the ways this wonderful church answers the call. We are a “gentle, loving people” who extend our values into the community by sharing our resources with social justice agencies, by addressing housing needs, and by searching for ways to achieve racial justice. We also nurture ourselves through uplifting worship, music and caring for each other.
These efforts are sustained by the church’s ministerial leadership, its administrative and maintenance staff, and musical, technical, and financial supports. These personnel structures and our beautiful building require money to operate. We are asking, unapologetically, for your financial support for all that we are and do.
This year, we are also asking you to dream about future directions and initiatives. Realizing our dreams will take an investment beyond maintenance. As you think about your pledge for the coming church year, please include thoughts not only about supporting what we have (and might take for granted) but also how love calls on toward a robust future.
With thanks for your creative and generous support for our beloved community,
Theo and Steve Munson,
Co-Chairs, Stewardship Team 2024-2025